Should We Change The Oil Filter With Every Engine Oil Change?

Article By: Dr Trisonic.

When I visit automotive workshops in some countries around the world, I was often told that some motorists do not change oil filters when they changed engine oils.


So I asked myself the question if we change the oil filter with every engine oil change?


To answer this question, let us start with the purpose of oil filter in every engine.


The purpose of the oil filter is to trap and stop combustion contaminants, dirt and carbon deposits found in the engine oil from finding their way into the engine. These debris and contaminants can cause damage and excessive wear to the engine, leading to engine failure.


Over time, the oil filter gradually becomes clogged as it traps billions of contaminant particles and carbon deposit. A clogged oil filter reduces the amount of clean oil passing through the oil filter and into your engine, necessitating its replacement.


The oil filter is a fully sealed metal unit. It is impossible to perform a visual inspection to determine when it needs to be replaced. The impact of a clogged oil filter include all or some of the following:


  • Loss of oil pressure


  • Lack of engine lubrication


  • Internal engine damage

Even though our engines may be experiencing these issues internally, we may not realise it in time, leading to engine damage.


Premium oil filter contain a bypass valve which regulates oil pressure within the oil filter. If the oil filter become fully clogged, this bypass valve would open allowing oil to continue to circulate in your engine. The oil circulating in the engine would be “dirty”, as unfiltered engine oil has bypassed the oil filter. However, without that bypass valve, our engines would encounter oil starvation problem as the engines have “run out” of engine oils to lubricate it.


Replacing the oil filter with a quality oil filter and using high quality engine oils like Trisonic™ UltiMach GOLD will help ensure an efficient and long-lasting engine.


Therefore the answer is a definite YES. Changing the engine’s oil filter is one of the most important maintenance item for our cars. All car manufacturers recommend car owners to change the oil filter on regular basis for longer engine oil.